I really cannot emphasise enough how stressed I am with the amount of work load on my plate at the moment. There's a 10% assignment due tomorrow, a 30% project due next Wednesday, a presentation for the 30% project due the following Monday, a 7% security project due the next day, a 4% c++ quiz the day after, and finally a 12% c++ assignment due on the Friday (last day of classes). Oh, did I forget to mention also I've got a 12.5% assessment on wargames due before class ends.
Wait, there's more! I've also got a 50% security, 60% e-business, and 70% c++ exam during the exam period.
The 30% J2EE project is stressing me out the most. The entire course has been conducted very poorly and I've learnt hardly anything through the labs especially. Over the past few days I've been camping out in the SIT labs "trying" to learn J2EE through tutorials and various pages which Google spits out at me. Clock is ticking and the sand is running out.
Tick tock, tick tock. Pray for me :)
[edit] - 25/05/07
So I've been awake since 6.50am and its 10.04pm now. Went to work this morning and I've been at uni ever since. Finally managed to hand in my security assignment today. 1 down. Now I'm camping at SIT labs working on my shopping cart. It's been a while since I've done this much reading. I'm pretty hungry now as well and I think the kebab shop around the corner has closed. Haven't had dinner yet.
Ran out of time doing things today. Had a quick lunch with leftover rice, two fried eggs and soy sauce! Also didn't manage to make it to Wei's graduation which kinda sucked. Jess' 21st party is on tonight as well (in fact now). Ah well, hope she doesn't mind. At least I went karaoke-ing with her last week. Anyways, back to work. I'm going to collapse soon.