Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Melbourne...Lorne...Here I Come!

Wish I had more time to do a proper post, but didn't realise packing my bag was so time consuming last night. Its 5am and I'm about to embark on a journey down south, to the distant land called Melbourne. Hehe, not so distant really. Well, kinda is. Anyways, I'm going down to Lorne in a few days time too for summer projects. Managed to raise all the funds and more for it! :D

Keep me in prayer as I drive down. Hopefully no kangaroos decide to hop onto the path of my speedy camry! Vroomm!! Hopefully I will be able to keep you guys updated while I'm down there. Over and out.


shez said...

yuhuh... summer projects indeed! i like your projects. they're interesting. *cough* student life yuhuh *cough*


(one exam to go... still)

shez said...

bargh! danny! come home already!

Danny Ng said...

I'm home!

Project Playlist