Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Alright, so I've been camping out at the SIT labs for the past week or so doing 10-20 hours worth of coding each day pretty much. Woke up about an hour ago after going home at 6.30am this morning. Spent 20 hours hacking away at J2EE. Assignment was due at 2pm today.

So let me share with you some pretty cool exciting stories that has happened recently:

  1. At 12am, my lecturer sent an email saying we've got an extension till Sunday for the assignment. Schweet.
  2. Our project is actually going pretty well I reckon. Things are coming together. Finally.
  3. On Sunday I applied for a graduate position at Parson Brinckerhoff (engineering consulting firm) and yesterday I got a call from one of their HRs to ask me to attend a group workshop at their office next week. Schweet.
Time for me to get some breakfast now and then shoot off to the SIT labs once again. Think I'll have to start on my c++ assignment tonight.


Anonymous said...

u're schweet tooo

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